Medical Conditions & Treatment

Did you know migraines, teeth grinding and excessive sweating can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections? To learn more, book a free consultation at Envisage Clinic on the Gold Coast today.
We treat moderate to severe acne for teenagers and adults alike. At Envisage Clinic, we’ll determine a treatment plan to reduce the appearance of acne and scarring.
Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness and flushing. Antibiotics and IPL can be an effective treatment to target rosacea and reduce its appearance with long-lasting results.
Want to remove a mole or skin tag? No problem! At Envisage Clinic, we offer cosmetic mole and skin tag removal on the Gold Coast. Dr Leat can also perform skin cancer checks.
Relieve Pain & Sweating
Enjoy clear skin with targeted treatments from the friendly and thorough team at Envisage Clinic. Based on the Gold Coast, we help patients regain their self-confidence with a range of treatment options to address medical and skin conditions. If you’re struggling to keep your sweat under control, treatment may be as simple as receiving anti-wrinkle injections. Living and working on the Gold Coast, we understand that the extreme weather conditions can exacerbate your condition, however we’ll do our best to help you treat excessive sweat so you can face the day with confidence.
At Envisage Clinic, chronic migraines, headaches and teeth grinding can also be treated with long-lasting results with anti-wrinkle injections. To book a free consultation, don’t hesitate to call us today. We’ll listen to your concerns and tailor a treatment plan to help you live pain-free from migraines, teeth grinding or without fear of excessive sweating.
Skin Treatments
Acne is a common skin condition that can affect both teenagers and adults alike. It usually begins in adolescence and can affect mental health including anxiety, embarrassment and self-esteem. At Envisage Clinic, we treat moderate to severe acne and skin conditions to reduce the appearance of acne and help patients achieve clear complexion. Treatment options can include IPL, microdermabrasion, topical skincare products and antibiotics.
Acne is caused by a number of various factors and can be exacerbated by stress, poor diet, alcohol, hormones, hereditary conditions and more. Severe acne may result in permanent scarring that may be difficult to cover with makeup. We treat a range of acne, skin conditions and scarring. At our initial consultation, we’ll assess your skin to determine a treatment plan that’s aimed at providing you with effective and long-lasting results. We’ll do our best to help you achieve flawless skin to help you feel confident and accentuate your natural beauty.
Rejuvenate Your Skin
Redness or flushing can be caused by a number of factors including sun damage, drugs, surgery, radiation or hereditary. Acne Rosacea is a common skin condition that can afflict the face and neck. Mild cases can be concealed with makeup however there are treatment options including IPL to help diminish the appearance of rosacea.
At Envisage Clinic, we also assist patients with treating unwanted varicose veins, moles and skin tags. During our initial appointment, we’ll assess your skin to tailor a solution to help you achieve your desired look. If you’re concerned about melanomas, Dr Leat can perform skin cancer checks.
Our Gold Coast clinic offers a number of dermatological and cosmetic treatments to help patients feel confident in their own skin. If you’re interested in dermal therapy, cosmetic injectables or body sculpting, don’t hesitate to contact us at Envisage Clinic today.