Many of you would have seen the piece that aired on ACA last night about a new treatment for “Chin Fat”.
For those of you that have not it is archived here
This is a “new” treatment called Kybella. Kybella is an injectable treatment that contains the active ingredient deoxycholic acid, the body’s natural fat metabolising enzyme.
What many do not know is that this active ingredient has been available for quite some time, and here at Envisage Clinic we have been using it routinely for over six years. It’s called “Lipodisolve”, and Kybella is simply a commercial formulation of the same treatment.
Lipodisolve works by removing fat from small pockets, and is chiefly used for the neck and jowls and jawline regions. Results take a few weeks to become evident, and often more than one (usually 2-3) treatments are needed. Side effects are, in our experience, very rare. I have seen a few patients get a little bruising and one have a small area of numbness which resolved in a few weeks. The main issue is that there is always some swelling in the area for a few days, so most patients need to pick the best time to have a treatment. Results, however, last for many years and may even be permanent.
If you would like to discuss Lipodisolve treatment please contact Envisage Clinic and arrange a complimentary consultation.